DMRQA-44 Announcement is Out

Order Your PT Samples Today

DMRQA-44 is part of the annual Discharge Monitoring Report-Quality Assurance (DMRQA) Study. The study’s purpose is to ensure the integrity of data submitted by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permitted facilities. The study evaluates the analytical ability of laboratories that perform self-monitoring analyses required by their NPDES permit.

See the full documentation here or click the image for details.

DMRQA-44 Order Form Is Available Now

NSI is an accredited PT provider offering proficiency testing and quality control samples for DMRQA. All NSI PT samples for DMRQA are supplied in duplicate, including our microbiological sample.

Download and fill out the form. Then email the filled out form to us at [email protected].

Questions? Call NSI toll-free at (800) 234-7837.