Maybe you need to demonstrate corrective action to your accrediting authority as a result of a poor result on a formal PT sample. Maybe you need to demonstrate proficiency for an initial accreditation. Perhaps you want to demonstrate the proficiency of an analyst so you can assign him or her to new important projects.
Whatever your reasons, when you need PT results NOW, look to NSI PT Express to meet your needs.
To participate, simply call NSI at 1-800-234-7837 to place your order. We’ll review our records to assure the sample you receive has never been received by your lab or one of your network labs (a NELAC requirement).
Report your results back to us on the PT Express reporting forms that accompany your samples, or submit them online, and we’ll generate your PT report within 48 hours. We will also submit your PT report to one or multiple accreditation agencies at no additional charge.